PocketPyGui public API reference


Core classes


GuiObject is the base class of all ppygui classes. It implements automatic property generation: when a subclass implements one of get_xxx, set_xxx methods the property xxx is created.

set(property1=value1, property2=value2, ...)
set each property to the given value.


The base class of all gui elements. It introduces the bind method that allow the developper to flexibly handle events.

gui.Window(parent=None, title="PocketPyGui", style="normal", pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), tab_traversal=True, * * kw)
  • parent: the parent window.
  • title: the title as appearing in the title bar.
  • style: 'normal' or 'control'.
  • pos: a tuple (left, top, width, height) that determines the initial position of the window. use -1 in any tuple element for default positioning. It is strongly recommanded to use the Sizer classes to perform the layout.
  • tab_traversal : whether the Window should use automatic tab/jog-dial.
  • kw : further property initialisation.
bind(event1=callback1, event2=callback2, ...)
maps gui events to callbacks (i.e. event handlers), callbacks are any callable that accept a single argument to receive event data.

focus(): force the focus on this window.

show(val=True): show or hide the window, depending of the boolean value of val.

hide(): shortcut for show(False).

enable(val=True): enable or disable the window, depending of the boolean value of val. A window disabled will not receive user input.

disable(): shortcut for enable(False).

move(self, left, top, width, height): move the window to the desired rect (left, top, width, height).

update(): force the window to be repainted.

close(): close the window.

destroy(): destroy the window and its child, releasing their resources, and break reference cycle that could be induced by the event system.

bringtofront(): bring the window to foreground.


parent: the parent window instance or None for a top level window.

pos: the relative window position in its parent container as a tuple (left, top).

size: the size of the window as a tuple (width, height).

redraw: the redraw state as a bool. When setting it to False, the window will not be repainted, until it is set to True again.


paint -> Event: sent when the window needs repainting.

close -> Event: sent when the user or os request the window to be closed.

destroy -> Event: sent when the window is about to be destroyed.

size -> SizeEvent: sent when the window is resized.

lbdown -> StylusEvent: sent when the stylus is pressed down on the window.

lbmove -> StylusEvent: sent when the stylus is sliding on the window.

lbup -> StylusEvent: sent when the stylus is pressed down on the window.


The base class for common controls. It introduces the text and font properties.


text: the text displayed by the control as a string.

font: the font of the control as a gui.Font instance.


Frame extends Window to provide layout facilities. It is the base class of all container windows. You can set a sizer to a Frame with the sizer property.

sizer: a gui.VBox, gui.HBox or gui.TBox instance responsible of the layout.

Common controls


The Label control displays a static text.

gui.Label(parent, title="", align="left", border=False, pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), * * kw)
  • parent: the parent window.
  • title: the text to be displayed.
  • align: the text alignment in its window, can be "left", "center" or "right".
  • border: a boolean that determines if this control should have a visible border.
  • pos : see gui.Window.
  • clicked -> CommandEvent (useful for implementing hyperlink).


The button control displays a command button, it can be a push button, a default button, or a check box. For a radio button see the RadioButton class.

gui.Button(parent, title="", action=None, align="center", style="normal", border=False, pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), * * kw)
  • title: the text of the button.

  • action: the callback called when the button is clicked (equivalent to button.bind(clicked=callback)).

  • align: the text alignment, can be "left", "center" or "right".

  • style:
    • "normal" for a classic push button.
    • "default" for a default push button.
    • "check" for a check box.
  • border: a boolean that determines if this control should have a border.

  • pos : see gui.Window.

checked : the checked state of a button as a boolean (only useful for a button created with the "check" style).


The RadioButton control displays a radio button, when it belongs to a RadioGroup, it is mutually exclusive to other radio buttons in this group, It can be bound to a value (any python object) which is retrieved by the radio group value property when the radio is checked.

gui.RadioButton(parent, title="", align="center", group=None, value=None, border=False, pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), * * kw)
  • title: the text of the button.
  • action: the callback called when the button is clicked (equivalent to button.bind(clicked=callback)).
  • align: the text alignment, can be "left", "center" or "right".
  • group: the group of the radio as a RadioGroup instance or None.
  • value: any python object bound to the RadioButton.
  • border: a boolean that determines if this control should have a border.
  • pos : see gui.Window.
checked : the checked state of a button as a boolean (only useful for a button created with the "check" style).


Represents a group of mutually exclusive RadioButton.

bind(update=None): set the callback called when one of the radio buttons belonging to the group is pressed.

selection: the current selected radio as a RadioButton instance, if set to a radio that does not belong to this group, ValueError is raised.

value (read-only): the value of the selected radio button.


The Edit control displays an editable text field.

gui.Edit(parent, text="", align="left", style="normal", password=False, multiline = False, line_wrap=False, readonly=False, border=True, pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), * * kw)
  • parent: the parent window.

  • text: the initial text to display.

  • align*: the text alignment, can be "left", "center" or "right".

  • style:
    • "normal": standard text field.
    • "number": accept numeric input only.
  • password: a boolean that determines if the user input should be masked.

  • multiline: a boolean that determines if the text should contain newlines.

  • readonly: a boolean that determines if the text should be viewed only.

  • border: a boolean that determines if this control should have a border.

  • pos: see gui.Window.


append(text): append the string text to the edit.

select_all(): select all the text.

undo(): undo the last modification.

copy(): copy the current selection to the clipboard.

cut(): cut the current selection to the clipboard.

paste(): paste the clipboard at the current position.


selection: the zero-based index selection as a tuple of ints (start, stop).

readonly: the read-only state of the edit as a boolean.

selected_text: the string of the selected text. when set it replaces the current selection.

modified: the modification flag as a boolean. It is set to True when the user modify the edit.

update -> CommandEvent: sent when the text is updated by the user.


The List control displays a list of selectable strings It implements some of the python list methods and protocol. Especially, it implements the iterator protocol, so you can iterate the choices of the List using a simple for loop.

gui.List(parent, choices=[], sort=False, multiple=False, border=True, pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), * * kw)
  • choices: the initial possible choices as a list of string.
  • sort: True if the choices have to be sorted in alphabetical order.
  • multiple: True if the control should allow multiple selection.
  • border: a boolean that determines if this control should have a visible border.
  • pos: see gui.Window.

append(choice): add the string choice to the list of choices.

insert(i, choice): insert the string choice at index i.

__getitem__(i): list[i] -> return the choice at index i as a string.

__setitem__(i, choice): list[i] = somestring -> set the choice at index i.

__delitem__(i): del list[i] -> remove the choice at index i.

is_multiple(): return True if the List control allows multiple selections, otherwise False.


selection: for a multiple List - > the current selections as a list of index, for a simple selection List -> the current selection index.

count (read-only): the total number of choices in the list.


selchanged -> CommandEvent: sent when the list selection has changed.

itemactivated -> CommandEvent: sent when the user double-click on an item.


The Combo control displays an edit field and a dropdown list of selectable strings It implements some of the python list methods and protocol.

gui.Combo(parent, style="edit", sort=False, choices=[], pos=(-1,)*4, * * kw)
  • choices: the initial possible choices as a list of string.

  • sort: True if the choices have to be sorted in alphabetical order.

  • style:
    • "edit": the edit field is editable.
    • "list": the edit field is read-only, the combo acts as a drop down list.
  • pos: see gui.Window


append(choice): add the string choice to the list of choices.

insert(i, choice): insert the string choice at index i.

__getitem__(i): combo[i] -> return the choice at index i as a string.

__setitem__(i, choice): combo[i] = somestring -> set the choice at index i.

__delitem__(i): del combo[i] -> remove the choice at index i.

is_multiple(): return True if the List control allows multiple selections, otherwise False.


selection: the current selection index as an int

count (read-only): the total number of choices in the list

selchanged -> CommandEvent : sent when combo selection has changed


Displays a movable slider for selecting an integer in a given range (for instance a volume control)

gui.Slider(parent, style="horizontal", range=(0,10), pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), * * kw)
  • parent: the parent window.

  • style: the orientation of the slider, can be:
    • "horizontal".
    • "vertical".
  • range: the initial range of possible values as the tuple (min, max).

  • pos: see gui.Window.

  • kw: other properties initialisation.


range: the range of possible values as a tuple (min, max).

value: the position of the slider as an int.

update -> ScrollEvent: sent when the user moves the slider


Displays a progress bar to provide visual feedback of long computation/io operations.


gui.Progress(parent, style="normal", orientation="horizontal", range=(0,100), pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), * * kw)

  • parent: the parent window.

  • style:
    • "normal": the progress bar is made of distinct bar.
    • "smooth": the progress bar is filled in a smooth way.
  • orientation: the orientation of the slider, can be:
    • "horizontal".
    • "vertical".
  • range: the initial range of possible values as a tuple (min, max).

  • pos : see gui.Window.

  • kw : other properties initialisation.


range: the range of possible values as a tuple (min, max).

value: the position of the progress as an int.


Display an editable field and up/down arrows to input an integer value.

gui.Spin(parent, range=(0,100), pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1), * * kw)
  • parent: the parent window.
    • range : the initial range of possible values as a tuple (min, max).
  • pos : see gui.Window.

  • kw : other properties initialisation.


range: the range of possible values as a tuple (min, max).

value: the value of the spin control as an int.

update -> NoneType: sent when the value has changed.


Display an editable field and a drop-down calendar to input a date.

value: the date as a datetime.date object (See standard library documentation).
update -> NoneType: sent when the date value has changed.


Display an editable field to input a day time.

value: time as a datetime.time object (See standard library documentation).
update -> NoneType: sent when the value has changed.


Display hmtl pages or text.


navigate(url): display the html page located at url.

clear(): clear the text buffer.

enablecontextmenu(val=True): enable or disable the context menu.

enableshrink(val=True): enable or disable image shrinking.


value (write-only): the html source as a string.

text (write-only): the text displayed (not interpreted as html).

navigate -> BeforeNavigateEvent: occurs just berfore the user follow a hyperlink.


Display multiple window as tabs in a notebook.

gui.NoteBook(parent, pos=(-1-,1,-1,-1))
  • parent: the parent window.
  • pos: see gui.Window.
append(self, title, tab): add a new tab to the notebook
  • title: the title of the tab.
  • tab: the child window.
insert(self, i, title, tab): insert a new tab in the notebook at index i
  • title: the title of the tab.
  • tab: the child window.

__getitem__(self, i): notebook[i] -> return the child window at index i.

__delitem__(self, i): del notebook[i] -> remove the tab at index i.

selection: index of the currently selected tab.

The Table Control


A Table control displays a bidimensional array of text. A Table has 2 public attributes : rows and columns.

Columns are added/modified/deleted via the TableColumns instance variable columns.

Rows are added/modified/deleted via the TableRows instance variable rows.

You can get or set the text at row i, column j by indexing table[i, j].

gui.Table(parent, columns=[], autoadjust=True, multiple=False, has_header=True, border=True, pos=(-1,-1,-1,-1))
  • columns: a list of title of the initial column headers.
  • autoadjust: whether the column width should be automatically adjusted.
  • multiple: whether the table should allow multiple rows selection.
  • has_header: whether the table displays a header for its columns.
  • border: a boolean that determines if this control should have a visible border.
  • pos: see gui.Window.

columns: a TableColumns instance.

rows: a TableRows instance.


adjust_all(): adjust all column widths to fit the text in it.

__getitem__(pos): table[i, j] -> return the text at the row i, column j.

__setitem__(pos, val): table[i, j] = txt -> set the text at the row i, column j to txt.

delete_all(): remove all rows of the list.


selchanged -> TableEvent: occurs when user select or deselect a row.

itemactivated -> TableEvent: occurs when user double click on a row.


append(title, width=-1, align='left')

add a new column to the table.

  • title: the text of the column.
  • width: the width of the column in pixels, -1 will set the width so that it contains the title.
  • align: the alignment of the column content, can be "left", "center" or "right".

return the index of the newly created column.

insert(i, title, width=-1, align='left')

insert a new column to the table.

  • i: the index of the column to insert
  • title: the text of the column
  • width: the width of the column in pixels, -1 will set the width so that it contains the title
  • align: the alignment of the column content, can be "left", "center" or "right"

return the index of the newly created column.

set(i, title=None, width=None, align=None)

change one or more settings of the column i.

  • i: the index of the column to set.
  • title: the text of the column.
  • width: the width of the column in pixels, -1 will set the width so that it contains the title.
  • align: the alignment of the column content, can be "left", "center" or "right".

adjust(i): adjust the width of the column i, to fit the content.

__delitem___(i): del table.columns[i] -> remove the column at index i.



append(row, data=None)

add a new row at the bottom of the table.

  • row: a list of string.
  • data: any python object that you want to link to the row.
insert(i, row, data=None)

insert a new row at index i.

  • i: the index to insert the row
  • row: a list of string.
  • data: any python object that you want to link to the row.

__getitem__(i, row): table.rows[i] -> return the row at index i, as a list of strings.

__setitem__(i, row): table.rows[i] = ['a', 'b', ...] -> set the row at index i.

getdata(i, data): return any python object that was bound to the row or None.

setdata(i, data): bind any python object to the row at index i.

is_selected(i): return True if the row at index i is selected.

select(self, i): select the row at index i.

ensure_visible(i): ensure the row at index i is visible.

deselect(i): deselect the row at index i.


selection: the current selection(s) as a list of index.

selected_count (read-only): the number of rows selected as an int.


Message functions

The message functions display predefined dialog for getting simple user input. The function name determines the number of button and the possible return values. All return values are strings, whose names are related to the user selection:

  • gui.Message.ok(title, caption, icon, parent) -> 'ok'.
  • gui.Message.okcancel(title, caption, icon, parent) -> 'ok' or 'cancel'.
  • gui.Message.yesno(title, caption, icon, parent) -> 'yes' or 'no'.
  • gui.Message.yesnocancel(title, caption, icon, parent) -> ''yes', 'no' or 'cancel'.
Where arguments are:
  • title: the title of the dialog

  • caption: the text of the dialiog

  • icon: a string in:
    • 'info'.
    • 'question'.
    • 'warning'.
    • 'error'.
  • parent: the window instance disabled until the dialog is closed.

Common dialog functions

gui.FileDlg.open() -> path or ''

Context menu functions



Thread functions
